Photo ART - structures
Joe Smith's Barn
We had Google's Instant 360 come out and do a 360 photo shoot of the gallery, capturing the Wood ART, some of the Photo ART and the photo studio. It turned out amazing!
Give it a try and get a sneak peak of Terry's wonderful Wood ART creations and some of his beautiful photography.
If you're ever in the neighborhood, give Terry a call and setup an appointment to see the Art Gallery in person. It's even more amazing close up!
So don't be shy! Give the gift of art to a loved one. You'll find something for just about any personality.
His curiosity, his passion and his artwork. His Wood and Photo Studios provide resourceful playgrounds for his kinetic imagination. His outputs from these creative spaces afford unique connections to beauty, nature, wonder and glimpses into Terry’s soul.
Imaginatively, Terry's Wood ART teases out unseen beauty from wood by highlighting or exploiting form and one or more of the wood's natural elements - color, luster, texture, grain, figure and character.
It's not about what the artist did. It's about making what already is, more easily seen by all of us who tend to miss what is. This also applies to life and to being, as opposed to doing.
So make an appointment. Come on out and visit Terry's Art Gallery. You will be amazed!
We absolutely love them and your wacky brilliance! Thanks so much for fulfilling my dream of owning proper wood art. ~ Claire
One of our lovely clients appreciating our work.
This Walnut project is very interesting and visually appealing. The interest to wood lovers is in the naturally occurring Crotch Feather and the Chambered Pith of the Walnut. The carving or texturing and turning draws attention to both. The pith chamber is evident in the bottom and edge of the bowl traveling from one side and protruding through the other.
Available in the Turned Wood ART Gallery
View GalleryThe cardinal in the water. This was shot with a Canon pocket camera through my kitchen window. Sometimes you get lucky if you try really hard. It does not always require the best equipment!
View the Wildlife Photo ART Gallery
View GalleryThanks to the Emerald Ash Borer (not to be confused with your proctologist) there was ample Ash wood available in our area recently. The bowl was turned roughly 2 years ago. I was going to toss this big hunk of wood because it did not seem special. Instead, I used it as a trial for my first attempt at texturing. I designed the texturing to enhance the grain and natural patterns in that wood. I dyed the contrasting colors for excitement. When it was done I decided to keep it. I think it is nice. Dimensions: 20" diameter x 2 3/4" thick.
View in the Turned Wood ART Gallery
View GalleryThis piece is created from Spalted Maple that came from the firewood pile of farmer and friend, Brian Gunderson. Unbelievably beautiful spalting! The piece is ultimately finished in high gloss varnish.
View in the Turned Wood ART Gallery
View GalleryThis project came about because this burl I acquired was so rough and had so many rotten areas, that I could not come up with a way to use it. So I dissected it into flat sections to educated myself regarding how a burl is formed and what I may find in future difficult burl or other pieces of disfigured wood (which is often called figured wood). Go figure! I decided to create this form by reattached the pieces in a more stable and interesting configuration.
Another whacky idea came to me when I climbed inside this vessel visually. It looked to me like a full size naturally occurring cave, so I put a skinny little dude in the cave. He can be easily removed without compromise to the piece if the new owner wishes. (Slide 4)
Available in the Turned Wood ART Gallery
View GalleryJoe Smith's Barn
Sunset Pelican
Ryan submersed in Colorado
Rays of Hope
Wintering Wood Ducks
Vase Variety
Indian Blue Ink Striped Cherry Bowl
Bobbie's Vase
Purple Vases